Admissions Calendar 2024-2025 English Program

Photo illustrating the news item

Conditional offers will be sent:
-25.07 – 26.07.2024

Wait list offers will be sent:
- 26.07-29.07.2024

Dear Applicants,

We are grateful you have chosen our University as a place for the studies.
You have passed the STEP 1: Registration period.
We wish you success in STEP 2: Admissions period = decision processing

Calendar of the University decision processing includes three options: I / II / III

I – offering the place at the respectful major – Conditional offer

*APPLICANT receives Conditional Acceptance Letter from PMU
*Applicant has 7 days to confirm the offered place and upload confirmation of payment for pre-courses (600,00 EURO) [same way you already did with application fee]

*Upon confirmation of the place and payment Applicant receives :
- 3 codes for obligatory on-line pre-courses (one for physics; one for biology; one for chemistry)
- individual schedule for delivering the required documents to the Dean’s Office
*Applicant receives Certification of Enrollment and becomes a STUDENT from the 1st of October

First offers will be sent:
- 25.07 – 26.07.2024

II – offering Wait List – if you were not conditionally accepted and not failed either:

If your ranking place is close to the limit of offered seats for a given Program, you might have a chance to be accepted.

Please check your inbox on daily basis within these time frames.

First offers will be sent:
- 26.07-29.07.2024

III – Rejection – several reasons may result in a negative decision towards the applicant; usually it means that overall rank score achieved was insufficient to grant admission in current intake.
Improve your grades – apply next year.
Decisions will be sent 19.08-23.08.2024

25 Jul 2024